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What’s It’s Like Inside Stonehenge?

Candace Caddick

Updated: Apr 27, 2022

By Candace Caddick.

Last Saturday was my long-awaited date inside Stonehenge Circle, a place that is only open to those who pre-book a spot months in advance. I arranged to take a group into the middle on a beautiful May evening, and we went in through the higher dimensional gateway to the circle. Walking under the first set of stones was like going into a separate place, similar to walking through a mansion into a different room. There was enough energy coming up from the ground inside to make my hair feel like it was standing on end.


The Earth energy begins to be felt once inside the circular ditch surrounding the stones, but once we were inside Stonehenge the stones seemed even larger through holding so much energy in their bodies. They clarified the energy rising from the ground and held it inside the circle. Depending on where I stood inside the circle there was a different view, and each of these was showing a doorway into somewhere else.

Stonehenge is where the Earth’s shield emerges from the core, and it appeared like one of those water fountains that looks like a mushroom (picture). We changed the flow to a spiral, and as the threads spiral out every being or object is caught and woven into the shield, involving all of us now in the energy shield of the Earth. The old mushroom shape looked so simple in comparison, and suitable for a three dimensional world. The new, more complex shield works better on a planet evolving to a higher level.

I’m looking forward to being in there again in September. There’s one place left on the day if anyone is interested.

©Candace Caddick



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