What is the Role of Ants on Earth?
Updated: Apr 27, 2022
Ant by Creative Commons
In our Earth Magic group (https://www.candacecaddick.com/earth-magic-healing-circle/) the topics are picked by Archangel Michael, who leads us in a guided meditation for healing and teaching. In April we were focused on healing insects, in particular, what do insects need from us to live and thrive again? This took many forms from providing healing energy for the insects and the planet, to helping the soil and air to make it easier for them to live. In my case on the final of three sessions I had a lesson in love from the ants.
It began with the ants blocking my path as they left their nest, and promptly being eaten by birds. The ants kept coming out and being eaten. I asked them why they didn’t come out later when the birds might be gone and they wouldn’t be eaten so quickly? In reply they said that they grow as many baby ants as possible as they are meant to be food for others. Shrinking into ant size I was able to see how many ants were being born and raised in their nest. They were very proud of their role in creating so many ants to be eaten by others. They were part of a complex ecosystem, and their role in this ecosystem was to be food, and having first loved themselves they were able to love the entire system and their role in it.
I commented that this did not seem much of a life, to grow yourselves for food and then go outside and die. They replied that this was their purpose in the ecosystem, and their lives were lived in fulfilling this purpose, and that was their life and their pride. Death happens to all anyway, and their deaths were at the end of their lives when they became food. Then I could see the birds, frogs, lizards and more who eat ants and would not be part of our world if there was nothing to eat.
I could feel the love held in this symbiotic life on the planet, and I could see that the only ones not sharing the love and who are outsiders are the human beings. The ants loved the humans, but the humans couldn’t feel it, and the ants felt sorry for us. I apologized for all of us wrecking the world and they said “don’t, you are helping us with your Earth Magic healing group so you have nothing to apologize for”, and I was grateful for that.
Earth Magic is a combination of healing and learning through meditation, and the more people who join the more healing we can do. We are doing our best to help the planet through creating new energy patterns and increasing the options for the future. Tickets are available at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/earth-magic-healing-circle-tickets-103856706204
©Candace Caddick