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The Coming Earthquake in California

Candace Caddick

The following is a message from the Archangelic Collective.

Sometime in the near future there will be a major earthquake in California. This earthquake will shake the foundations of American society, confuse them and make them wonder why God has forsaken them. This earthquake is happening at a prescheduled time, put in place at the right time to shock humanity and cause a change in their direction as users of a planet, rather than cohabiters. It cannot be stopped now, nor should anyone wish for these changes not to take place. People will certainly die, and there will be a great deal of mourning across not only the United States, but across the world. Some of those who die have made a choice to be one of the deaths, to contribute with their deaths to the despair and the drive for true change in how people live. Please honour them for their bravery. Others have already moved away and relocated out of state.

Why have we kept quiet about this earthquake? We haven’t. How many of you listened to warnings, or took it seriously when told? Even this channel (Candace), was reluctant to sell her property in California, although that will happen now. It’s too horrible to think about, and no one would wish it to happen. For this reason we told only those who would hear us, listen to us, and use the information to act.

We are writing at this time because there may be some people who can hear our message and act on it.



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