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Tarot Reading on the Virus Timeline

Candace Caddick

Updated: Apr 27, 2022

I learned to read tarot cards one weekend years ago when Archangel Melchizadek basically gave me no choice. He said “We use tarot cards to give messages, the same as simply hearing. Sometimes it is easier to understand the message when accompanied by a picture.” I was guided to the Hanson-Roberts deck, which has a particularly warm quality, and was taught to use no upside down cards, no negative messages, although there can be warnings. The readings are supportive for the person who asks the question. I asked for a reading to give guidance on the Coronavirus and its progress for the next six months, a simple three card reading. When shuffling the deck the correct cards move to the front of the deck to be ready to be dealt, I can watch the energy pop those cards out and move them into position. The bracketed sentences are my own comments on the channelled reading.

Hanson Roberts Tarot Cards

Ten of Swords

This is one of the dark times, as shown in the clouds. In this case the person is dead (definitely not the case in every reading!) with the swords seeming to be part of the clouds. First the darkness came, then the swords. On your planet at this time there are those who have altered the planetary energy through fear of their own deaths, they do not see that dying is natural and that hanging on to a life when its purpose is complete is not. The only people who will die from the Coronavirus will be those who have finished their natural lives, however long or short that may be.  The energy of fear will lessen globally and lighten, as fear is a dark energy represented by the clouds. (This reminds me of cloning in Atlantis – explained in my book ‘The Downfall of Atlantis’.)

The Magician

A contrast card, to show sunshine and healthy living, is illustrated by nature’s flowers. Importantly there is a balance of items on the table; on the table are one of each of the tarot suits combined for a balanced world, the beginning of a swing toward balanced living and population levels. The infinity symbol is endless flow, something that has been missing for quite a while on Earth. This card follows the previous card in time and the energy will be present in the summer months for most of you. This is when the way we live together on Earth will begin to be reset. The pendulum pauses, then starts to swing back. The way we lived before the lock down will change forever, in a good way. The virus caused the lock down, the lock down creates the change.

Five of Pentacles

This card is about the gold blessings in the window, and the light shining through. The people in front can’t see any light and see no hope, but the light will always be there. People who are positive, looking ahead and are ready to see the light will look up and move on with their lives, sometimes in novel ways. This card is placed in the autumn and is asking us to look at the positive side of everything that will be happening in the next eighteen months. It won’t be that long until people are saying, “Remember the Coronavirus last spring?”  There is more to come in the future when the Coronavirus has finished.

Meanwhile, I did ask my guides “Is everyone OK living through this period of dramatic change?” They said “You all came to make these changes happen.”

If anyone would like a personal tarot reading I do them by Skype or FaceTime, with e-mailed colour scans of your cards.  For further details see

©Candace Caddick



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