Portals into our Past
By the First Elohim.
I’ve noticed two portals contained in artwork In the past month . One was a picture in the National Portrait Gallery on Trafalgar Square in London, and the other was a Viking rune stone in Aarhus, Denmark. I’ve been working on understanding why they exist and what it is I can see through them , and asked for some help from my guides. Candace
First Elohim
This particular type of portal is a frozen moment in time, and when looking through these pictures into an earlier time it is similar to looking through a microscope slide. A sliver of the world that has vanished is preserved and you can see this sliver, and also see through it into the past.
These two dimensional, flat portals were created by the energy of change from one pathway to another. They look backwards only. The current timeline stopped moving straight ahead and headed off at a new angle. This has happened many times while humanity has been on Earth, and the energy is great enough to create a window on a vanished pathway. Some of these portals are easier to find as a physical object, and some now only exist energetically. When you stand in front of one of these existing portals it would be possible for you to send your soul through to the past and live there without a body, while your present body dies without the soul giving it life. We would never recommend this as a course of action – being a lost ghost in the past and dead in the present. It would be far better to look and learn about your world and the mechanics of time by contemplating a portal. Remember, ghosts have no power or ability to act, they do not grasp or hold but only watch. You are not going to see a body step through a painting or a stone as in the Harry Potter books.
The Viking rune stone shows a very green countryside populated with happy people in Denmark, a land of health and peace. The quality of the green is unstained, while the sounds of nature and people’s laughter are abundant. Denmark’s timeline shifted with the change to Viking culture, which brought wealth while causing a great deal of pain from the killings involved. As green as you think Denmark is now, it was a far deeper and richer colour before being overlaid with the fog of pain.
The picture in the Portrait Gallery contains Henry VII, the first of the Tudor line and his son Henry VIII. This portal is a copy of a sketch, and the original painting is also a portal. They capture one of those moments where one man changed the timeline single-handedly, as without Henry Tudor collecting followers there would have been no battle of Bosworth Field. Years of peace ended in war again, and the green land visible through the portal became cloudier and darker. It would take many years until the reign of Queen Elizabeth 1st to bring peace again. The line of English kings took an unexpected direction and travelled through Henry the Eighth’s momentous break with the Catholic church. Would this ever have happened if the Plantagenets remained on the throne? By the way, Richard III was a dead end – the throne would have passed to another Plantagenet eventually.
Once on the new Tudor timeline, there were new events quickly added that could not find a space to fit on the old timeline, in fact it was such an improbable kingship that the timeline was slender and not filled in with details. The bolder and thicker timelines are already packed with expectations and events waiting to happen, and this is exactly what makes them so strong with energy. There were new opportunities to change the way England would develop, and a rapid-fire juggling of who was going to incarnate in what position to bring about the highest good for all. Now look again at this exciting time and who’s life made a difference? Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, two such volunteers.
I could talk all day, given a human channel. Live in peace, the First Elohim.
©Candace Caddick