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Have you ever seen a giant?

Candace Caddick

By Candace

Friday was a nice day here, so I went for a long walk in a wood nearby where there had always been a pretty stream flowing through some green lawns. Because of the recent flooding this valley had filled with water, and although the water had receded the grass was half-dead. The banks of the stream had lost definition and been washed away.

Walking near the stream in the mud I was aware of a lot of elemental energy, in fact there seemed to be someone really large very close by and its energy was very noticeable. I stopped and looked for the source*. Towering high above me was a very friendly giant. The trees close by were maybe thirty feet tall, and he was a good four or five times that height, so maybe 120 to 150 feet tall. I could see he was working, so I asked him what he was doing and he turned me towards the ruined banks of the stream. He was rebuilding the banks energetically with large boulders and lumps of earth. First the energetic repairs, then the physical will be able to fill in the blueprint later. He was not dredging the stream, but restoring the banks.

Every time I’ve met a giant they are making repairs either in a drought or flood, by moving the earth around so the flow of water is optimal. Giants aren’t always this tall, either. Elementals enjoy being spoken to, and the giant and I parted with a friendly hug.

Elementals work tirelessly for the planet, and they are content in their work. Lately they have altered their roles from gardeners and groundskeepers to repair work. There are a number of new elementals who are holding parts of the planet together thereby minimising the damage caused by fracking, mining, and explosions. They are in the soil, weaving their limbs through the dirt and holding on. They are doing this because it is in the Earth’s best interest that they do so. And yet, they see us with love.

The following are some new elementals for today’s needs:

Elementals who spread Earth energy like bees spread pollen

Ocean vitality elementals

Air vitality elementals

Water vitality elementals

Earth vitality elementals

Vitality in this instance means to keep these parts of the planet alive.

*Normally I see what every  human sees, but if I can feel the energy of a higher dimensional being I stop and specifically look for the energy I can feel. I say to myself “I want to see the source of this energy”,  or “see who’s here”, and then I can see it. It’s the same with energy around an object, or the coming weather, or anything outside of the lower three dimensions. I have to focus on one thing and look. Try it!

©Candace Caddick



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