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Candace Caddick
Jul 17, 20203 min read
All About Ghosts
By the Archangel Azrael, Archangel of Death After We Die This week my friend Grainne Warner and I went to Woodhenge with a group for a...
Candace Caddick
Jun 4, 20193 min read
Sacred Sites of England Tours
In May 2019 I was the tour guide for two tours around the ancient stone circles and high energy sites of southern England on behalf of my...

Candace Caddick
Oct 7, 20152 min read
After Ascension at Avebury
Light burning off darkness. Messier 96. Picture courtesy of NASA By the Archangel Michael. One of the functions of Avebury stone circle...
Candace Caddick
Jun 2, 20151 min read
Why Use a Higher Dimensional Gateway?
By Candace Caddick When I take groups to visit Stonehenge, Avebury or Woodhenge I always make a point of entering these circles through...
Candace Caddick
Apr 14, 20152 min read
Woodhenge 3
By the Archangels Michael. A group of us have been finding out how much a person can grow by using the site of Woodhenge in Wiltshire. We...
Candace Caddick
Feb 12, 20152 min read
Steps Towards Ascension
By the Archangel Michael I am Archangel Michael, Archangel of the Earth. I have been channelling workshops through to help people...
Candace Caddick
Oct 15, 20143 min read
Life As the Rest of the Universe Lives
By the Archangel Michael I, the Archangel Michael, have been teaching people at Woodhenge this summer about who they really are when the...
Candace Caddick
Sep 10, 20142 min read
Why Woodhenge Days Are Special
by Candace Woodhenge has the ability to remove veils with which we cloak ourselves, and my workshops are set up to remove the veil of...
Candace Caddick
Jun 6, 20141 min read
A Day At Woodhenge
Woodhenge, Wiltshire By Candace Saturday 31st May I held a workshop at Woodhenge where everyone brought along a picnic lunch and we spent...
Candace Caddick
May 15, 20141 min read
How To Go Beyond the Veils
By Candace Tuesday I went to Woodhenge for a few hours to time my workshop on May 31st. When I do a channelled workshop I usually learn a...
Candace Caddick
May 28, 20122 min read
Glastonbury Healing Day
What can I add to the previous channelling? We sat on top of the Tor in the sunshine as visitors knowing that when it was time we would...
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