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Candace Caddick
May 26, 20202 min read
A Critical Mass of Trees
Beech Tree Sussex I’m in two earth healing groups, the one my friend Grainne and I started last week Earth Magic Healing Circle,...
Candace Caddick
Nov 3, 20192 min read
Checking in with the Trees
By the Archangel Michael I took a walk in the woods behind my house yesterday and asked the trees how they were doing. Then the image...

Candace Caddick
May 6, 20132 min read
The Magic of Tintagel
Looking out to sea from the castle ruins on Tintagel. I visited Tintagel in Cornwall last week, where folklore places King Arthur’s...
Candace Caddick
Mar 4, 20132 min read
Trees Waiting For the Next Step
By the Tree Consciousness Last year I wrote about trees listening and waiting with their attention focused on the sky in...
Candace Caddick
Sep 23, 20111 min read
Equinox Lullaby
We went to the Ashdown Forest for a walk today in the autumn sunshine. The trees have been singing a lullaby for a couple of weeks, and I...
Candace Caddick
Sep 14, 20112 min read
Living with Trees
Shepherds of the Trees Shepherds of the trees are larger than the mature trees I have around my house. The name describes what they do,...
Candace Caddick
Aug 28, 20113 min read
From the trees point of view
Tree consciousness Hooray! The trees have something to say again. “Those of you who walk among us may have heard our singing this summer...
Candace Caddick
Apr 30, 20111 min read
Royal Wedding Observations
The night before the wedding between Kate Middleton and Prince William I woke up a few times to feel the energy building. It was...

Candace Caddick
Apr 4, 20112 min read
Seven Sisters
Candace This weekend being Mother’s Day we went out to a couple of different places, one was Nyman’s Gardens in W. Sussex. Everything is...
Candace Caddick
Mar 20, 20112 min read
California earthquake – some background on time
Archangel Uriel, Archangel of the Earth “The big one” is something you hear referred to when talking to Californians about their future...
Candace Caddick
Feb 25, 20111 min read
The Big Story: Spring 2011
by Candace Caddick There has been only one topic of conversation outside in the natural world these last few months. The birds have been...
Candace Caddick
Jan 28, 20112 min read
Why Trees Sleep in Winter
Pan In the local paper last week (mid-January) there was a feature on a group who were going to go out wassailing to “wake up the trees”...
Candace Caddick
Jan 21, 20113 min read
Channelling as a way of life
Archangel of Light We’ve been working with this channel for some years now, and much of her work has been written down in the form of...
Candace Caddick
Dec 6, 20102 min read
Tree Lore
Archangelic collective In previous blog posts we mentioned that the trees brought information from the Earth to the surface through their...
Candace Caddick
Nov 30, 20102 min read
Woodland Tapestry of Life
Archangel Melchizadek It snowed today, enough to coat every branch and leaf in white. Each holly leaf could hold an inch by itself in its...

Candace Caddick
Jun 16, 20102 min read
Trees, and why they’re so excited these days
I like to go to places where they still have enormous old trees. If you’re in a wooded area you can usually identify the patriarch tree,...

Candace Caddick
Jan 18, 20101 min read
The Cat and the Christmas Tree
Every year when we take our dying Christmas tree down our cat Sophie mourns it going. She spends each Christmas near the tree, hiding...
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